Stone descriptions written by me (Madison) with help from my beloved crystal books (listed at bottom), eight years of study & interaction with my clients, and of course a little intuition. Read more expanded takes in my Mineral Monday posts on the journal.

~ water element ~ heart chakra ~ cancer, scorpio, pisces
Abalone is not a crystal or mineral, it is polished mollusk shell! It helps calm you down in emotional situations by soothing the nerves. It is known to stimulate and enhance metaphysical abilities, expand the imagination, and help you see the beauty around you.

~ water element ~ heart + throat chakra ~ gemini, scorpio, pisces,
Agate is a calming and stabilizing stone, increasing optimism by easing emotional stress. It also promotes self acceptance and confidence by acting as a shield to the aura. Agate balances yin and yang energies bringing emotional, physical, and spiritual balance. It has a cleansing quality that ushers out energy that is stagnant and not helping you grow while inviting in a nurturing and more productive energy.

~ water element ~ heart + throat chakra — virgo, aries, leo, scorpio
Amazonite facilitates loving and compassionate communication by clearing, balancing, and bridging the heart and throat chakras. It nurtures constructive and creative expression, protecting the heart from doubt and insecurity. It acts as a great mediator of intellect and intuition – encouraging you to draw more of your own conclusions which in turn promotes self determination. It works to help you understand your true path and put in place boundaries so that you can get yourself where you want to be. It is a powerful manifestation stone that can be programmed — speak your wishes and wildest dreams to it and it will put in a good word with the universe. Amazonite is also known to block geopathic stress and to protect the wearer against electromagnetic pollution like wifi and phone stress. 

AMETHYST — wind element — third eye and crown chakra — pisces, virgo, aquarius, capricorn
Amethyst is known to work with the higher chakras involving communication, thought, and spirituality. It calms the nervous system and the brain creating a peaceful environment for times of thought and meditation. It also helps open and access the third eye and crown chakras, enhancing spiritual awareness and metaphysical abilities, also good for dream recall. It harmonizes the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies which cleanses the aura. Amethyst is used as a purifying crystal (like a natural tranquilizer) to eliminate negative energies and protect from geopathic stress. It has a sobering effect on overindulgence and helps overcome addictions. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

APATITE — wind element — third eye and heart chakras — gemini, aquarius, pisces
Apatite assists with structuring thinking and bringing disordered ideas into a more cohesive focus, promoting concentration, motivation, and problem solving. Providing energy for the base chakra, apatite clears frustration and supports passion without guilt. It also aids with communication and induces an openness and a social ease, drawing off negativity about oneself or others. Apatite is also known to expand awareness of other levels of consciousness – expanding the limits of the mind in general. 

APOPHYLLITE — wind and earth elements — crown, third eye, heart chakras — libra, gemini
Apophyllite helps encourage a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual planes, nurturing you on your individual path. It enhances intuition and promotes introspection into your own thoughts and actions, helping you identify and correct any flaws in your thinking or actions that are holding you back. It is a stone of truth and it will help you find yours and then it’ll help you share it with the world. On a bigger level, it imbues the vibration of universal love into your thinking and decision making which attunes the mind with the spirit. It also helps the spirit come to terms with being in a physical body. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

AQUAMARINE — water element — throat and heart chakras — gemini, pisces, aries
Aquamarine is a powerful cleanser of the water element, seeing that we are over 70 percent water this is an important stone for keeping us calm cool and collected. It clears the throat chakra which aids with creative verbal expression and harmonious communication, soothing feelings of grief and loneliness. Aquamarine is helpful in understanding underlying emotions and interpreting how you feel – clearing away emotional toxicity and encouraging inner peace. It can be a powerful stone in meditation, shielding the aura and invoking higher states of consciousness.

ARAGONITE — storm element — all chakras — capricorn
Aragonite helps you center yourself in times of stress and anxiety by letting you see the root of your problems. Locating the source of your anxieties enhances your ability to stay comfortable and calm when you are presented with an abundance of responsibilities. Helping you address and deflect your negative influences, aragonite is a great stone for meditation and for communicating clearly with the higher realms. It is also a great builder of patience, balance, and intuition. It works with your lower chakras - specifically the sacral and root chakra to release any trauma or repressed energy. Aragonite is known to be a good stone for fertility because of its nurturing, clearing, and grounding properties. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

AVENTURINE — water and earth element — heart chakra - aries
Aventurine is effective at balancing and opening up the heart chakra, clearing away negative emotions and soothing powerful negative feelings like anger and rage. Stabilizing the mind, aventurine allows you to recognize alternatives and new possibilities and encourages you to establish what makes you happy and unhappy. It calms the heart, the body, and the mind creating an emotional harmony that promotes the expression of gratitude, hope, and optimism. Aventurine is an extremely effective stone for neutralizing and eliminating electromagnetic stress from the aura.

BLACK TOURMALINE — earth element — root chakra — libra, capricorn
Black Tourmaline is a powerful protection stone, deflecting negative energies and electromagnetic pollution from inflicting the aura and physical body. It cleanses, purifies, and detoxifies the system and grounds the chakras – creating a clear path for spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. It changes negative thought patterns into positive ones, and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. Read more in our mineral monday feature

BLOODSTONE — earth element — root chakra — aries, pisces, libra
Bloodstone is a dark variety of quartz with red jasper inclusions. Bloodstone strengthens the body, cleanses the blood, and promotes emotional health – encouraging self confidence, mental stamina, commitment to spiritual goals, and strength to overcome obstacles. Meditation with bloodstone before embarking on anything new is helpful because it grounds and balances the impulsive energy of the base chakra (red) with the cautious energy of the heart chakra (green). It is a protective stone that guards from negative influences while also teaching the notion that chaos often precedes change and transformation. 

BLUE LACE AGATE — water element — heart and throat chakras — pisces
Blue lace agate great for activating and healing the throat chakra. Blue stones help to enhance the quality of your communication and ensure it is thoughtful and intentional. It is important that you learn to communicate in a way that generates positive energy going out and coming in, otherwise you will be stuck with toxic communication and the inability to express yourself. The gentle and nurturing energy of this stone helps one listen, process, think, respond in a way that is clear, meaningful, and from your truth. It helps enhance stability and balance by encouraging a sense of clarity and peacefulness which helps one accept their emotions and feel more at ease. Read more in our mineral monday feature.

Botswana agate promotes inner stability, balance, and composure. It’s warm and protective energy encourages security and self confidence. It provides the strength to find solutions to our problems instead of dwelling on difficulties and setbacks that we may hyperfocus on -- which perpetuates cycles of feeling stuck or stagnant. It helps with that final push needed to accomplish things we’ve been working on for longer than we need to due to feelings of lack and insecurity. Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities. It also helps alleviate destructive thoughts and assists in overcoming fears!! A great stone for travel, it wards off physical harm especially during transportation. 

CALCITE — all chakras
Calcite is known to be an energy transformer that works to dissolve old and unproductive energies that we have stored to make room for the new. It is a powerful grounding, protecting, and centering stone that soothes the emotions and brings a highly forgiving sense of inner peace. This helps nurture confidence, courage, creativity, and a new zest for life. The cooling and calming energy dissolves negative emotions and encourages new ones in their place. Calcite also works well at clearing the negativity from a room/environment and soothing poor communication especially when it comes to relationships. 

CARNELIAN — fire element — root and solar plexus chakras — taurus, cancer, leo
Carnelian is a stabilizing stone with high energy. It assists you in trusting yourself and your perceptions by energizing the sacral and root chakras – bringing courage and vitality. It inspires self expression and creative problem solving when facing personal challenges. It is also known as a stone of abundance that motivates growth and success. It helps you express yourself truly and without any shame or negative feelings. Ancient Egyptians (and myself) are known to have worn carnelian to calm feelings of anger, stress, jealousy, and envy. Carnelian urges you to replace your doubts with confidence and action that will make those negative patterns a thing of the past. You have everything it takes to be your best self, sometimes it just takes a little boost to your inner flame to get you back on track. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

CELESTITE — wind element — third eye and crown chakras — gemini
Celestite brings a subtle uplifting healing energy and helps one connect to angelic guides and subtle energies. It opens the throat chakra and aids with clear and intentional communication. It provides space for negotiation and understanding during times of stress and conflict. The soft blue color is supportive and encourages awareness of higher self -- enabling higher levels of communication from spirit guides. It brings divine energy into your environment and stimulates spiritual development and metaphysical abilities. It is also known to unite intellect with instinct, opening one up to new experiences.

CHALCEDONY — water element — throat and third eye chakras — cancer, saggittarius
Chalcedony enhances inner peace and restores harmony of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. It also eliminates negative energy in the throat chakra to restore self expression and the ability to communicate clearly. Removing self doubt and encouraging inner reflection, chalcedony allows for an open, grounded, enthusiastic state of mind. 

CHRYSOCOLLA — water element — throat, heart, root chakras — gemini, virgo, taurus
Chrysocolla helps link the energy of the heart chakra with the throat chakra, facilitating clear emotional expression from the heart. It draws off negative emotions and increases the capacity to love. Chrysocolla encourages the acceptance that things are constantly changing and helps one remain impartial and true to their personal truth. 

CHRYSOPRASE — water element — heart and solar plexus chakras — libra
Chrysoprase supports and expands the heart chakra, easing negative emotions and promoting joy, optimism, and personal insight. It prepares one for change and new phases while attracting new love, passions, and abundance. Chrysoprase stimulates the acceptance of oneself and of others. Inducing deep meditative states, it brings restful sleep and a general relaxation. 

CITRINE — fire element — root and solar plexus chakras — gemini, aries, libra, leo
Citrine stimulates creative thinking, natural wisdom, and inspiration – freeing the mind of limitations and encouraging a path towards success and abundance. It cleanses and brings the energy field (aura) back into alignment with the physical body, restoring balance and an inner calm after times of stress and trauma. Citrine clears tension and feelings of depression which promotes self expression, motivation, and the opportunity for ideas to become realities. It activates the solar plexus and allows you to let go of all that is not serving you and your growth.

DANBURITE — wind element — heart and crown chakra — leo
Danburite has a soothing soft energy that purifies, nurtures, and connects one with life source. It is a somewhat “new” crystal (in the grand scheme of things) and is seen as a tool the earth is providing to help humankind in its evolution towards light and understanding. The vibration of danburite is gentle and nourishing and soothes the nervous system of tension and stress. Danburite helps balance and align the crown chakra with the heart chakra. It enhances creativity and intuition, opening awareness and connection to higher and angelic frequencies as well as personal guides.

EMERALD — water element — heart chakra — taurus, gemini, leo
Emerald is directly associated with the heart chakra and stimulates love in its most pure forms of expression by balancing and purifying the emotions. It is said to enhance wisdom and inner knowing – in turn enhancing the love and integrity of a relationship. Emerald encourages domestic bliss, loyalty, unity, unconditional love, and partnership. It also allows for clear and pure expression of ones feelings. It is effective at inviting in people and opportunities that will nurture your heart and serve you positively on your true path. Emerald will also protect you against those who intend to harm your heart. 

EPIDOTE — earth and water element — all chakras — gemini
Epidote has a way of releasing negativity so effortlessly, making it a great companion in times of depression or lower vibration emotions. It helps you dispel any critical thinking and self doubt which can obliterate negative thought patterns that otherwise can be extremely long lasting cycles. Who hasn’t gotten stuck in a negative loop? Epidote invites you into a higher vibration where you can see the world a little more optimistically with a lot less hurt.

FLUORITE — wind element — all chakras — pisces, capricorn
Fluorite cleanses the heart chakra, easing turbulent emotions and bringing a sense of calm, peace, and renewal. It attempts to balance the mind with the emotions, enabling clear thinking and decision making. Green fluorite supports and encourages mental expansion, creative thinking, and new growth. Purple shades of fluorite are associated with spiritual expansion and the awareness of higher levels of consciousness. Meditating and relaxing with fluorite brings a sense of peace to mind, body, and spirit. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

GARNET — earth element — root, sacral, solar plexus chakras — leo, virgo, capricorn, aquarius, scorpio, virgo
Garnet balances the mind, body, and emotions, bringing the heart into alignment. It helps discard old and unhealthy thought patterns and encourages new opportunities for abundance and vitality. It is helpful in dire circumstances — stimulating courage, hope, and the survival instinct. It offers protection and grounds you in the moment where you can identify what makes you feel secure and what you need to work on to feel more safe. Opening up the heart, it inspires love and devotion, as well as bestowing self confidence and self expression.  It is great as a personal power stone, allowing you to harness and understand your passions and intentions without doubts and negative patterns trying to slow you down. I feel like it connects the root chakra with the heart, supercharging your sense of security and releasing a flow of emotional expression that further informs your path.

Agate is a calming and stabilizing stone, increasing optimism by easing emotional stress. It promotes self acceptance and confidence by acting as a shield to negative influence and thought patterns. Agate balances yin and yang energies –  bringing emotional, physical, and spiritual balance. It has a cleansing quality that ushers out energy that is stagnant while inviting in a nurturing and more productive vibration. Grape agate works closely with the higher chakras (throat, third eye, crown) to inspire calm and clear communication and connection. It urges you to express yourself fully and truly and through that you will nurture your relationship with yourself and with those around you. Grape agate is a great aid for meditation as it inspires deep introspection and can connect you to your guides, providing further insight on your path.

GREEN TOURMALINE — water element — heart chakra — capricorn
Green, the color of growth and expansion, is associated with the heart chakra. Tourmalines in general are a protective stone that shield the aura from negative energies and influences. Changing negative and overactive thought patterns into positive ones, tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. Green tourmaline soothes and encourages the heart chakra to open and expand into a state of unconditional love, stimulating a particular appreciation of the beauty in nature. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

HERKIMER DIAMONDS — storm element — third eye and crown chakras — sagittarius
Herkimer Diamonds are a form of quartz that has isometric faceted sides, deeming it a diamond – geometrically speaking. They were first discovered in Herkimer, NY and it is where all of our stones are sourced. In addition to the energy amplifying and cleansing properties of clear quartz, Herkimer Diamonds stimulate the full awareness of spiritual energy within the physical body, enhancing metaphysical abilities. They open and expand the energy field or aura and encourage one to recognize blockages and areas that need work, promoting spiritual growth. They amplify the truest parts of yourself and help you on your path to becoming your truest self. Acting as almost a magnetic amplifier it attracts things to you that are meant for you and have been floating about the universe waiting for you to find them. Not all stones are high vibration enough to warrant a disclaimer but this stone has a force of its own and it will pair with your energy to do things that are truly right for you and you just have to go with the flow and accept the opportunities and change as they come!!!! Read more in our mineral monday feature!

HOWLITE — gemini
Howlite also known as magnesite is a very soothing and nurturing stone. It helps one find their own center and to stay true to themselves. In times of conflict it allows for unconditional love and negotiation. Howlite is an important stone for self love as it brings to surface any subconscious self deceit or negative emotions, helping you recognize and eliminate these unwanted thoughts. Howlite helps you love yourself before you seek it from others. It also aids in sleep as it calms an overactive mind and brings relaxation to the physical body.

JADE — earth element — all chakras — aries, gemini, taurus, libra
Jade calms the nervous system and eases overexcitement by soothing the heart chakra and the emotions. It enables the sharing of unconditional love and passionate communication with all beings. It has long been a sacred stone used for protection, as it is said to be able to interfere with physical harm. Jade helps to integrate the physical and the spiritual bodies, encouraging you to become your true self and allowing you to recognize yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey. 

JASPER — earth element — all chakras — leo, sagittarius, gemini, capricorn, aries
Jasper is a powerful nurturing, cleansing, and healing stone — working gently but effectively to clear physical and psychic impurities from the body and mind. It brings joy, expansion, renewed interests, and free flowing creativity by reducing stress and soothing the nervous system. Jasper is a highly centering and grounding stone, promoting self expression and self confidence. It is also protective, absorbing negative energy, it balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. 

KUNZITE — water element — heart chakra — scorpio, taurus, leo
Kunzite is a powerful activator of the heart chakra and aligns the heart with the throat and the third eye. It’s almost as if it brings the unconditional vibration of love into our communication, intuition, and thoughts. Kunzite has a sweet and peaceful energy allowing for purification and renewal. It is a perfect stone for strengthening your relationship with love on all levels -- self, romantic, and other -- teaching you how to comfortably express from the heart. Kunzite is able to clear obstacles and dissolve negativity, allowing for intuition and understanding to thrive. It is a highly centering stone that urges you to feel grounded and stable while expressing yourself from the heart.

KYANITE — storm element — all chakras — taurus, libra, aries
Kyanite’s crystalline structure makes it a powerful conductor of energy that never needs to be cleansed, working like a filter to transmute negative into positive. It promotes a constant flow of energy, allowing you to move through blockages with ease. Releasing old patterns that no longer serve you encourages spiritual growth and becoming your true self. Kyanite enhances metaphysical abilities and is powerful when used in meditation, it can even charge other stones by being in the vicinity of them. It is a powerful aligner of the chakras, releasing any tension and returning our energy centers to their proper rotations. Kyanite will help you bring harmony into all your interactions, allowing you to offer that aligning and peaceful energy to others. Read more in our mineral monday feature.

LABRADORITE — wind element — all chakras — sagittarius, scorpio, leo
Labradorite is considered a powerful stone of transformation and expansion – awakening metaphysical abilities and the awareness of other states of consciousness and energy. With this stone, analysis and rationality are balanced with inner sight and intuition. It holds esoteric knowledge and may promote extrasensory perception by means of past life recall, clairvoyance, or lucid dreaming for example. A highly mystical and protective stone, labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura (including people’s projections) which helps to banish fears and insecurities, strengthening trust in the universe. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

LAPIS LAZULI — wind element — third eye and throat chakra — sagittarius
Lapis Lazuli was a favored stone in Ancient Egypt, known to open the heart to love and to lead the soul into immortality. It activates the third eye and crown chakras, bringing awareness to spiritual purpose and promoting you to express yourself through creativity, compassion, and honesty. Lapis harmonizes the physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies bringing deep inner self knowledge. A protective stone, it returns negative energies to their source.

LARIMAR — water and fire element — throat chakra — leo
Larimar has a deeply nurturing vibration that radiates the energy of love while restoring strength and vitality (especially after extended spiritual work). Effortlessly inducing a meditative state, it harmonizes body and mind – guiding the soul on its true path. Larimar works to release self sabotaging behaviours and blockages, awakening inner wisdom and the ability to manifest what it is that you need. It is known to draw a soulmate and to help heal trauma of the heart. It brings calmness and equilibrium –stimulating creativity and a joyful “go with the flow” energy that helps you stay on your true path and embrace things to come. 

LEPIDOLITE — water element — heart and third eye chakras — libra
Lepidolite alleviates stress by locating your negative influences and replacing them with the energy of universal light, hope, and acceptance. it is known to be a stone of transition, easing you through restructuring after old patterns have been interrupted. it has a way of making one understand mortality, creating a sense of peace and acceptance of our fate while also activating the instinct of self-preservation and a need for self-awareness. it assists with openness, honesty, self-love, and general alignment with a constant source of positive energy.

MALACHITE — fire element — solar plexus and heart chakras — capricorn, scorpio
Malachite is a powerful protective stone, enhancing passion for life and the energy to be true to oneself. It amplifies personal energy while shielding from negative influences, increasing personal power and self-confidence. It shields the wearer from electromagnetic energies and helps clear the energy field by revealing to you what is blocking your growth. Allowing you to break old patterns it stimulates transformation and healing.

MOONSTONE — wind element — third eye and crown chakras — cancer, leo, scorpio
Moonstone links and balances feminine and masculine energies, amplifying the ability to be more receptive to inner emotions – encouraging reflection and understanding. It has a powerful receptive feminine energy that enhances metaphysical abilities – opening the mind to intuition, serendipity, and synchronicity. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds you that everything is part of a cycle of change. Moonstone helps balance the hormones and assists in times of hormonal change like the menstrual cycle, puberty, and menopause. It is also a stone of new beginnings and considered “the travelers stone” bringing luck to those on a journey.

OBSIDIAN — earth element — root chakra — sagittarius, virgo, libra, leo
Obsidian offers powerful psychic protection, deflecting negative and draining energies being projected onto the wearer by other people. It stimulates the root chakra and draws in the earths energy to strengthen and stabilize the system. Obsidian is a stone of mystery and of connection to deeper, unknown aspects of the self – bringing to the surface things like flaws, blockages, and fears that have been hidden, making it an important stone for emotional healing. It also helps to eliminate deception and bring clarity and focus, encouraging growth and deep soul healing.

ONYX — earth element — root, solar plexus, third eye chakras — leo
Onyx encourages inner stillness and meditation, helping one restore their system after being overloaded with stress by finding rest and new inspiration. It is a protective stone, absorbing negative energy and balancing yin and yang it aligns the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Onyx is also a strength-giving stone that allows you to “view” your future and be a master of your own destiny, helping you find and embark on the path to be your truest self. 

OPAL — earth and water element — all chakras — cancer, libra, pisces, scorpio, virgo,
Opals are emotionally supportive stones that stabilize the mood and help increase trust in ones feelings. They are associated with vitality, passion, love, and desire – making it a seductive stone. Opal expands cosmic consciousness and enhances metaphysical abilities and mystical visions. Opal strengthens intuition and insight while providing strong protection while doing inner work, meditation, and shamanic journeys. They also help to heal the earth’s energy field, repairing depletions by reenergizing and stabilizing the grid.

PERIDOT — earth element — solar plexus and heart chakras — virgo, leo, scorpio, sagittarius
Peridot is effective at cleansing the heart chakra of negative emotions and the solar plexus of mental blocks – neutralizing physical, emotional, and mental toxicity. It enhances mental clarity and aids with decision making. Showing how to detach oneself from outside influences and to look to your own higher energies for guidance, peridot teaches that holding on to people or the past is counterproductive. Peridot clears old patterns that no longer serve you and encourages new experiences. This visionary crystal helps you understand your destiny and spiritual purpose.  

PETRIFIED WOOD — earth element — root chakra — leo
Petrified Wood is fossilized tree matter from 25 million – 200 million years ago. Forests were buried under sedimentary rock and minerals replaced the organic structures. It serves as a mediator between the organic and inorganic kingdoms, as it once was a plant and now is immortalized in stone. It is a symbol of slow transformation into new forms, helping connect spiritually to the history of our mother earth. Petrified wood clears old thought patterns that no longer serve you – allowing you to accept things that cannot be changed and to focus on making changes that are within your power.

PINK TOURMALINE — water and earth element — root and heart chakras — libra, scorpio, sagittarius
Pink Tourmaline soothes the heart chakra and eases anxiety and turbulent emotion. Tourmalines in general are a protective stone that shield the aura from negative energies and influences. Changing negative and overactive thought patterns into positive ones, tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. Pink is the color of unconditional love, the frequency associated with a strong and balanced heart chakra. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

PREHNITE — earth and water elements — solar plexus and heart chakras — libra
Prehnite is valued as a calming and soothing stone. It helps expand the heart chakra into unconditional love by releasing emotional pain from the past and encouraging new beginnings. It is a gentle detoxer for the lymphatic system. It is a good stone for a healer to heal themselves with as it replenishes energy that may have been depleted. When working with energy, it is important not to lose sight of the balance between giving and receiving. For every ounce of energy you expend on helping others, prehnite ensures you fill yourself back up. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

PYRITE — earth element — solar plexus chakra — leo
Traditionally, Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity to the user, via its creative energies of manifestation, and its encouragement of following one's dreams. This quality makes Pyrite excellent for grid work and rituals. Pyrite not only deflects negative energies, but also helps to release negative and inhibiting patterns of behavior. Pyrite can enhance one's will during challenging times and supports the action necessary for personal growth and success. Meditation with Pyrite can encourage greater frequency in moments of inspiration, and its grounding action allows these higher frequencies to be grounded into the physical world. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

QUARTZ — storm element — all chakras — all signs
Quartz works at a vibrational level attuned to the needs of the user – absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy as necessary. Quartz crystals can be programmed to reflect the intentions that the person working with them has set, amplifying the potential for those intentions to manifest. Quartz is also a cleansing stone that works to remove impurities and psychic debris from the energy field that may permeate the human body. Increasing concentration, it realigns and refocuses the mind, body, and spirit towards clear goals. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

RED JASPER — earth element — root chakra
Jasper is a powerful nurturing, cleansing, and healing stone, working gently but effectively to clear physical and psychic impurities from the body and mind. It brings joy, expansion, renewed interests, and creativity by reducing stress and soothing the nervous system. Jasper is a highly centering and grounding stone, promoting self expression and self confidence. Red jasper is linked to the root chakra and creates a grounded connection to the earth’s energy. It is gently energizing and can restore a tired body by strengthening the energy field and protecting from negative energies.

RHODOCHROSITE — fire and water element — heart and solar plexus chakras — scorpio, leo
Rhodochrosite is used to balance the fiery energies of the lower chakras with the unconditional love of the heart chakra. It helps to stabilize the emotions in a relationship, bringing steadiness when feelings are running high. It also calms the heart and gives a sense of courage in new situations. Rhodochrosite stimulates inner creativity and the self confidence to make ideas come to fruition in the physical world. Attracting a soulmate who helps you learn lessons for your higher good, this stone insists that you face the truth about yourself and others without excuses or evasion but with loving awareness.

RHODONITE — fire and earth element — heart and root chakra — taurus
Rhodonite works with the heart chakra, elevating it with the energy of unconditional love. This isn’t specifically romantic love, simply love without sentiment or agendas that is open and free. A love like this is able to dissolve resentment, fear, and anger. Rhodonite also eases feelings of shock, anxiety, and overload. It helps strengthen the emotions and improves communication, boosting the quality of your interactions and self-esteem. It is also known to soothe inflammation and can be used to help arthritis.

ROSE QUARTZ — water element — heart chakra — taurus, libra
Rose Quartz is directly linked with the heart chakra but it can be used on any part of the body where the powerfully healing energy of love is needed. It attunes to the user and balances issues of love including self love, love given, and love received. Holding and meditating with rose quartz is an effective way to soothe and regulate emotional stress. It eases anxiety and fear, bringing the warmth of compassion and unconditional love to the energy field. Rose Quartz also awakens an appreciation of the beauty in all things. 

RUBY — earth element — root chakra — leo, scorpio, cancer, sagittarius
Rubies have been valued as a symbol of royalty since early times as tokens of abundance, strength, and power. Rubies increase life force in the body and ignite your passion. Interacting with and protecting the heart chakra, ruby activates feelings of love and compassion. They also invoke a strong sense of renewed energy and strength – improving self confidence and courage and the motivation for personal and spiritual growth. I like to think that rubies hold secrets of the past that inform the path of the future. In my experience they invite in opportunities that offer you abundance and growth. A big personal power stone!

RUTILATED QUARTZ — storm element — all chakras — gemini, taurus
Quartz works at a vibrational level attuned to the needs of the user – absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy as necessary. Quartz crystals can be programmed to reflect the intentions that the person working with them has set, amplifying the potential for those intentions to manifest. Quartz is also a cleansing stone that works to remove impurities and psychic debris from the energy field that may permeate the human body. Increasing concentration, it realigns and refocuses the mind, body, and spirit towards clear goals. Rutilated quartz harnesses these properties as well as a boost to intuition and confidence. Rutile gets its color form little streaks of titanium oxide that look like glowing gold hairs — it has also been referred to as the Venus stone because it is reminiscent of her gorgeous locks. It clears all blockages and aligns the chakras to allow you to be fully present in the moment as your truest self. It is an effective personal power stone.

SAPPHIRE — wind and earth element — third eye and throat chakra — virgo, libra, sagittarius
Sapphire is known as “the wisdom stone” as it links the throat, third eye, and crown chakras – enhancing spiritual and psychic perception. Sapphire has a long history as a token of royalty and is said to alleviate spiritual confusion while attracting prosperity. It focuses and calms the mind, releasing unwanted thought patterns and tensions – encouraging self confidence, self expression, and truthful communication. Sapphire is restores vitality, stimulating life force and your ability to take on all around you.

SELENITE — wind element — third eye and crown chakra — taurus
Selenite is a powerful conductor of energy and acts as a cleanser that clears away physical and emotional toxins and negative mental patterns. It facilitates the flow of high frequency energy to permeate all the chakra centers, aligning them with spiritual purpose. When placed in the home it maintains a positive energy in the space and eliminates negative energies and influences that may attach themselves to you. It is a stone that never needs cleansing and is able to cleanse other stones by being in their vicinity. Do not get selenite wet as it will deteriorate and lose some shine. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

SMOKY QUARTZ — earth element — root chakra — capricorn, sagittarius
Smoky quartz is a protective stone, its soothing and enveloping energy creates a safe and nurturing space for the user. It grounds and focuses ones energy in the present moment, bringing clarity and encouraging you to rest and nourish yourself with the grounding energy of the earth. It can relax tension and bad feelings by neutralizing negative energy and eliminating electromagnetic pollution from the energy field. Read more in our mineral monday feature!

SUNSTONE — fire element — solar plexus chakra — libra, leo
Sunstone balances the sacral chakra with the solar plexus chakra to aid the mind and emotions to work together harmoniously. It is said to harness the energy of the sun, and is known to help lift depression and anxiety – bringing clarity, a feeling of expansion, and positive decision making. Sunstone heightens intuition and allows one to link to their future in a way that guides them to the path to become ones truest self. 

TANGERINE QUARTZ — fire element — sacral chakra
Tangerine quartz has hematite or iron oxide present when it was forming which gives it the orange hue. It works with the sacral chakra to enhance courage and confidence, instilling an ability to leave the past in the past and to focus on the future and new growth. It helps one identify and solve issues of the inner self (such as understanding, acceptance, and growth) without self judgement or criticism. Tangerine quartz is great for people suffering with PTSD and any forms of trauma whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual because it’s gentle energy works to realign and refocus the mind, body, and spirit towards healing, growth, and your true path.

TIGERS EYE — fire and earth element — solar plexus and root chakra — capricorn
Tigers Eye is used as a shield for the energy field, deflecting and clearing negative energy from the aura. Combining earth energy with that of the sun, it draws spiritual energies towards the earth – anchoring the lower chakras during meditation for enhanced spiritual expansion. It eliminates tension and mental blocks from the solar plexus chakra, dealing with issues of self-worth, criticism, and blocked creativity. It supports integrity and assists in accomplishing goals by differentiating wants from needs.

TOPAZ — fire element — solar plexus chakra — sagittarius
Topaz clears the solar plexus of negativity while also clearing the mind – opening it to higher wisdom and guidance. It clarifies intentions linked to a higher purpose and aids one in finding their true path. It stimulates a trust in the universe that allows you to “be” rather than “do” – eliminating doubt and uncertainty. It is known to be a stone of love, good fortune, affirmations and manifestation. It releases tension in all the chakras and induces a pure relaxation and sense of joy.

TURQUOISE — storm element — throat chakra — sagittarius, pisces, scorpio
Turquoise is a stone used for millennia for personal protection, defending against negative energies and influences. Promoting spiritual attunement and aiding communication between the spiritual and physical,  turquoise provides solace for the mind and body. It soothes and balances the heart chakra, enabling communication from the highest source of love and acceptance while allowing you to express yourself truthfully. It is a stone of calm and clear communication and of enhancing interpersonal relationships.

This is a list of the stones I use in my work and my understanding of their most prominent properties. Each of these stones has far more properties than I could fit in a few sentences and there countless different minerals that aren’t even on the list. If the stones call you, I urge you to study them and get to know them better. It is a long journey but don’t worry, intuition will guide you along the way. There’s no better time to start than NOW. Below are some of my favorite resources:

The Book Of Stones: Who They Are And What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ashian is available on amazon and you can also find it cheap on ebay! I always reach for this book first any time I want to read up on a mineral.

Love Is In The Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals by Melody is a little harder to find but if you can get your hands on it, snag a copy!!!!!